Friday, December 24, 2010

My Promise

Here is the list of all 27 European Union Countries I will be visiting from January 4th - June 17 (or longer depending on family visits). Right now I am thinking of collecting a shot glass from each country but that may be too much to carry and I may need to collect a smaller, more malleable object. I also want to take a picture or video with each person doing what they choose for us to do. Let's hope people are as open to doing this as I am. And if anyone knows of a place, person, or thing I must do in each country please let me know. I am moving to Europe with $10,000 from my grandmother which I want to put to good use because of the woman she is. As many of you know my grandmother is sick and I almost did not go to Europe but she insisted I do. I promise to post any new updates by Sunday, my day of rest, but Internet access may keep me from always making these posts. I hope I can offer you all something to start the week with, maybe you can find someone to do the same thing with. My goal is to pay it forward across seas, so let me know how it goes for you!

  1. 1.    Austria
  1. 2.    Belgium
  1. 3.    Bulgaria
  1. 4.    Cyprus
  1. 5.    Czech Republic
  1. 6.    Denmark
  1. 7.    Estonia
  1. 8.    Finland
  1. 9.    France
  1. 10. Germany
  1. 11. Greece
  1. 12. Hungary
  1. 13. Ireland
  1. 14. Italy
  1. 15. Latvia
  1. 16. Lithuania
  1. 17. Luxembourg
  1. 18. Malta
  1. 19. Netherlands
  1. 20. Poland
  1. 21. Portugal
  1. 22. Romania
  1. 23. Slovakia
  1. 24. Slovenia
  1. 25. Spain
  1. 26. Sweden
  1. 27. United Kingdom


  1. Good luck. I hope you have some money for all of this. Mom

  2. In France, the family I stayed with was very nice., are the father and mother's email. They have four children, two boys, around 14 and 11, and two girls, 7 and 5(adooooorable).
    Gonzague is the fathers name, Maylis the mother. They will probably host other exchange students this summer (all of june and part of july) as well so they are very open to visits! If you are in Paris, I'd definitely shoot them an email. They are nice and their kids (especially the girls) will always want to do activities (roller blading by the Seine, frisbee in the Champs de Mars..the Eiffel Tower is like one block from where they live.)
    We also have friends in Switzerland but you aren't going there :(

  3. Lisa love, my boyfriend is from Estonia. I'll have him give you tips on what to do and see there.

  4. If you go to barcelona, stay at a hostel called mambo tango, igor who works there is super awesome and you'll met great people. If you go to the pays basque region, go to a sidria, but get a ride home.haha. In lisbon, stay at the travelers house hostel, insanely nice and cheap. If guy, pronounced ge, is working ask him about a fado bar, or places to go in general. And definitely go see sintra for a day, I'll tell you more later

  5. I don't know if you thought of something to collect BUT I have a friend who collects magnets everywhere she goes and it looks pretty sick on the fridge. something to consider instead of shot glasses?
